How to set interface to promiscuous mode permanently

  • You can use a script to apply promiscuous settings to an interface or multiple interfaces when they come online.

touch /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/30-promisc
chmod +x /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/30-promisc

  • Add following script code to 30-promisc file.

if [ "$1" == "eth0" ] && [ "$2" == "up" ]; then
ip link set dev "$1" promisc on

  • You can also use network initscripts by adding code in /sbin/ifup-local file. Create a file if it is not present.

if [ "$1" == "eth0" ]; then
/usr/sbin/ip link set dev "$1" promisc on

How to apply ethtool settings to interface using Network Manager dispatcher script

In the same way as above, you can use the network manager dispatcher script to apply ethtool commands.

  • create files as follows:

touch /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/30-ethtool
chmod +x /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/30-ethtool

  • Now to apply settings to a single network interface:

if [ "$1" == "eth1" ] && [ "$2" == "up" ]; then
ethtool -K "$1" lro off rx on gro off 

  • For multiple interfaces:

if [ "$1" == "eth1" -a "$2" == "up" ] || [ "$1" == "eth0" -a "$2" == "up" ] ; then
ethtool -K "$1" lro off rx off gro off 

  • For bonding interface:

#!/bin/bashif [ "$1" == "bond0" ] && [ "$2" == "up" ]; then
for INTERFACE in bond0 eth1 eth0; do
ethtool -K "$INTERFACE" lro off rx off gro off 

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